Friday, January 28, 2011

Am I Allowed to Celebrate?

My Project 365 client asked me a good question yesterday. She just embarked with me on a journey to lose 200 lbs and she asked me about what she should do when her family goes out to celebrate. "My family always goes out to eat when we celebrate. I'm not a salad eater, so I'm not going to be eager to order the salmon salad. What should I order?" My non answer to her was a something like this: Celebrate! There is a place for cake! Food is part of the celebration of friends, family, love & life. Your relationship with food should in fact be one of celebration and not deprivation. If all is balanced, celebrations are indeed a part of that balance. It's not the celebrations that are off balanced, it is everything in between them. Eat real food in proper quantities that contain high nutrient values and life is one continuous celebration, not just on birthdays!

Here are a few practical things to keep in mind though when dining out. Eating out should be a special occasion - not the norm. Generally, portion sizes are out. of. control. A good rule is to eat about HALF of your plate - then take home the rest, or share something on the menu with someone else. If you make a smart choice and substitute fries for vegetables, often times they are drowned in butter or some other "butter-like substance" most likely containing hydrogenated oils - order them without the butter, or get butter on the side so you can control how much you put on. Lastly, before this turns into "eat this, not that," no soda or other sugar drinks. High fructose corn syrup is a killer to your waist line and, incidentally, life itself and furthermore, most of us suffer from chronic dehydration. Water please!

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