Tuesday, March 1, 2011

DIY Gatorade

Gatorade is great for athletes, but for the average Joe or Jane, its generally overkill. Sports drinks in general are loaded with added sugar and often times will contain high fructose corn syrup, not to mention various other additives and preservatives and the trash that is created bottle after bottle. Recycle or not, trash is trash.

The point of the sports drink is to replace your body's electrolytes that are lost through sweat, in particular sodium and potassium (also included in the electrolyte family are chloride, calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate, sulfate, phosphate). Electrolyte is a fancy word for salt. Shocker, your body needs it (micro-tangent: Just make sure it's sea salt, not bleached, nutrient stripped fine grain table salt which is devoid of beneficial nutrients such as sodium's friend magnesium, who offsets the risk of high blood pressure caused by sodium alone.)

So, make your own homemade gatorade that has all of the same benefits and then some - no trash, no added sugar, saves money - and tastes (surprisingly) the same. So, here's the simple recipe:

2 parts filtered water
1 part OJ
Dash of Sea Salt

Wait a few moments for the salt to dissolve and enjoy!


  1. How does kosher salt stack up vs sea salt?

  2. Sea salt is harvested from evaporated seawater and receives little or no processing, leaving intact the minerals from the water it came from. These minerals flavor and color the salt slightly.

    Kosher salt takes its name from its use in the koshering process. It contains no preservatives and can be derived from either seawater or underground sources. it is particularly useful in preserving, because its large crystals draw moisture out of meats and other foods more effectively than other salts.

  3. also, here is a good reference for salts (and pepper) varieties - http://www.marksdailyapple.com/pepper-and-salt-varieties/
